Worship Ministry
At Severna Park EP Church, we understand worship to be both from God and to God. Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith, leads us into worship of the Almighty God by His Holy Spirit. And through Him we know the kindness of God which leads us to repentance not just once, but continually. So worship is our response to God’s sovereign grace that’s made manifest to us in Jesus Christ. It’s His call to us to be His people, to know Him, to enter into communion with Him, and to have deep fellowship with each other.
Sunday Worship Time: 9:30am in-person and live-streamed on our website.
Our Worship Service is about an hour and 15 minutes and is comprised of worship that is enthusiastic & contemplative—including music (singing), light liturgy (readings), and teaching from the Bible. Dress is casual, but you can dress-up if you like.
Sunday School Discipleship Hour: 11:15 am
Following the Service, join us for coffee and fellowship, followed by opportunities to learn more about the Lord. We have classes for all ages – Children, Teens, and Adults. Visit our Adult Christian Education page for a detailed list of classes that we offer.
Informational Links:
How You Can Get Involved in the Music and Media Ministries
SPEP Music Ministry: Several openings for musicians to serve in worship services! Do you play a musical instrument? Sing? Not sure whether you could ever use these in service to God? There are opportunities for almost anyone to contribute to the ministry of music and worship in God’s church. The musicians serve you and God every week by rehearsing, practicing, praying, and pouring their hearts out to lead you in song as we worship God together. You can find their names listed in the back of your bulletin on Sundays, please lift them up in prayer.
SPEP Choir: The choir sings during Sunday morning services on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas seasons. We sing easy and difficult, simple and complex music, some a cappella and some with our orchestra. If you would like to join the choir, contact Andrew Broadwater.
If you can sing or play an instrument, and interested in serving on the worship team, please fill out the Worship Team Inquiry form.
Media Team: If you have experience in media and sound, and would like to volunteer to help, please contact Media Ministry
Visual Arts Ministry
Creative Design is an Inter-generational art ministry that focuses on God’s blessings and promises through Biblical insight using scripture. Our goal is that through photography, painting, drawing, and music, we will discover the joy of being a Christian Artist. Join us as we learn through workshops and events what it means to glorify God in our creativity and engage in the creative God of the universe. If you have questions, email Melissa Drouin.
Creative Design Mission Statement:
To fellowship together as Christian artists, to share our faith and to glorify God in our work so that the world may know Jesus.
“The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” John 17:22-23
Available Materials:
Art for God’s Sake Fall 2021 Class Notes