Adult Sunday Christian Education

Adult Sunday Morning Classes

Church History: The Age of Religious Conflict: This class will cover the church as it continues to wrestle with the outcome of the Reformation. The period from 1580-1700AD is a tumultuous time including the Wars of Religion, the birth of the Puritan era in England, the rise of Scottish Presbyterians, and the writing of the Westminster Confession of Faith. Led by: Mike Stephan in Worship Center A.

Parent Prayer: Parenting is a challenge even in the best of circumstances. Come join other parents, from Moms and Dads-To-Be to Empty Nesters, in prayer for our children and one another as we lead them in the gospel of Jesus. This group will meet in Worship Center B.

Sunday Growth Group: This group is open to anyone interested in reviewing the sermons more in-depth and discussing how they apply to our personal, daily walk with Christ. We will make time to get to know each other as we connect the message to our personal lives and pray for each other. Other than being familiar with the week’s sermon, no preparation or “homework” is required. Led by: Stefan Hubrich and Doug Cress in Parlor. 

If you are interested in a Weekly Growth Group or have additional questions… Email Us!